Maidens grand summoning Ch 1

Bullshit Character Status!

Where is this !!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

As this person screams incomparably sad, innumerably birds that rest in the trees get frightened and start to fly towards a distant place. One intermittently ‚chirp chirp’ cry can be heard.. but he actually turns a deaf ear, immersed in his own tragedy.

This is youth has black short hair and black pupils, the youth is about 20 -years old- probably, is growing, he has a charming face, at this time, he is crouching in the ground, hiding on the forest in an open space, lowers the head slowly,  sadness covered his face.

He gained ground, looks at the trees that surrounds him, these trees that are so tall that you could not look at the top, the youth wants to cry but have no tears.

Who can think that after sleeping when one awakens, oneself went to such a desolate place where there is no human or ghost in sight unexpectedly, naturally, this youngster thinks that in a bystander opinion, here at least is also a great forest. There are trees, something is better than nothing at least.

The youth thinks that he is having a dream, but from the bruise in his arm he can sees that reality is brutal, this is not a dream. That is the confirmation of his worry.

Could this be the legendary transmigration? Where did I go to? But.. but.. I never saw anyone call me, or giving me powers as the stories say??.. 

He sits down exhausted on a open space, pays no attention to the place of sandy soil where he sits, he gathers his mouth, unceasingly mutters anything.

Perhaps the youth thinks that someone is paying attention to what he says?? is that why he continues muttering?? ...

the youth in complaining to oneself in their own grief, when suddenly something that seems like a machine, an indifferently calm and composed voice has made a sound.

"...The system is starting... process loading 98%... 99%... 100%... Load successful.. Esteemed user the system greets you..."

When a person stays in a place where there isn't even a bit of a person's shadow in sight and suddenly resounds a low and deep indifferent sound, can he give what kind of response? At this time, this youth's performance, can tell you.

His whole body starts to shake, he cries out strangely and stands up from the ground abruptly, that jumping strength, would be enough to break his life-long jump record from college, even if the youth was not a fragile person, he knows that does not have so vigorous skill.

„Who... Who... Do not play tricks with me!!, do you think that I will fear you? I told you, even if you were to come to me with a great feast of food, buddy I will choose if to believe you after starving seven days and seven nights, I will not go to you as is now! as if I can believe you, I will not die in this inexplicable place absolutely, understood?” The youth shivers weakly, while he said that with a loud laugh.

„......” The scene falls into immediately silence, the youth shrank his head into his shoulders, unceasingly looking around, does not know what completely ridiculous words he spoke.

The youth have swallowed saliva, is suppressing the impulsion of leaving, stammeringly said: „That... You... You actually spoke some words...”

Actually cannot blame him, if you encountered such situation.. would you be calm and composed?

What a pity, the luxuriant forest, was still only silence, as if that sound, was only an illusion.

He looked around afraid, the youth took a deep breath, tried to slow-down the speed of his heart that was beating fast, then opened the mouth saying: „Hello, emm.. System fellow ?......”

When he said those words, he himself was shocked.. System??
The legendary transmigration system??

When the voice just fell, the machine sound once more resounds. „at your service, User!”

The heart of the youth jumps once more, but after some psychology preparation, the youth is no longer nervous like a moment ago, he now understands a little more probably what could have happened.

„That... System, where is here? Exactly what happened? Why am I here?”

„Beep! current User position: Silvaria World, Giant Beast Forest!”

Silvaria World? Giant Beast Forest?

Good, from these information, the youth drew the following several conclusions: First, oneself transmigrated; Second, one can see from these place names that he transmigrated to a little similar place to the Western world; Third, if here was only an ordinary world, then it would not have that "Giant Beast Forest" bullshit of name. So most probably this is a fantasy world.

He cannot believe the conclusion he drew, he flings his head around trying to clear his mind, this was the wrong conclusion, wrong conclusion, according to the convention, If I were transmigrated, I should quickly be able to kill the four directions greatly, conquered the world, get a ‚good friend’, then set record on all the great Palaces, establish the new-world prestige!

In the youth heart he fantasies, what a pity it's nowhere the reality...

Finally, remembers that mysterious System, the youth slightly calmed down the mind.

Exhales the one breath, the youth laughs several times, then turns to the front and says „Can I go back?”

„Beep! surpassed System instruction range, asking User to try to find out how to execute the instruction on his own!”

The corners of the mouth cannot help but twitched, the youth discontented said: „What has not surpassed the instruction range then?”

Suddenly, an interface appears in front of the youth. The youth a little dull, focus on this illusory screen, only to see that it has several color boxes or columns, from top to bottom ‚Status/Situation’ ‚Equipment’ ‚Ability’ ‚Item’ and ‚Summon’ the same as a game.

This clearly is a cheat system!!

He is clearly wild with joy jumping, has completely forgotten that he was immersed in the endless tragedy a moment ago..

The youth was silly smiling..

He kissed the interface, as it was his own love, he laughed foolishly, while slowly held up own finger, in ‚Status/Situation’ square.

Character: human 
Ability: Does not have 
Equipment: Does not have 
Summons: Does not have 
Equipment Points: 0 
Item Points: 0
Ability Points: 0 
Summon Points: 0 
Level: 0

He looks at this stats and the youth face suddenly turns white.. between white and blue.. does not know how much time passed, until he came back to earth.. He finally reacted..

„I said System, as a standard novice, that Status/Situation and that string of zeros I cannot accept, with this Character what's the matter? How the so-called ‚human’ could be this weak!...”

After a strange silence, the System has made a sound finally.

„Asked the User to choose a nickname!”

The youth grasp crazily his hair, he wants to exit this place immediately, finally incapable lowers down the hands, with a miserable expression..

„Asked User to choose the nickname!”

The system said again...

The youth sighed.. „Wu Yan! I'm called Wu Yan!”

„ Beep! status confirmed User: Wu Yan!”

And with that... several skills under "race category" could be seen...

Ability Points 500000.. True Ancestor (Progenitor): Ability Points: 10000000...


Wu Yan was dull again... What is this???

Fire Contract: Ability Points 300000
Mystic Eyes Perception: Ability Points 1000000
Frost Battle: Ability Points 10000 
Darkness Battle: Ability Points 10000
Healing( complete set): Ability Points 100000
Twilight Battle( complete set): Ability Points 100000 
Undead ( complete set): Ability Points 100000

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