Little Question! - Should I incorporate disqus for comments?

Just wanted to ask you people because I read a comment that said, it would be good to add disqus.

Do I add it or not? It will change the way comments is working though...

Let me know please!


PS: I'll try to update more Common sense of a duke's daughter and the others these days.
Please, write in the comments in which novel are you most interested so I give priority to the most wanted one these days.


  1. Add disqus please.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. The most intrested in my opinion is common sense of a dukes daughter ;3 so anything is gud for me :0

  3. Yeah go for it. Happy holidays!

  4. Yes please, also happy holidays!

  5. I support you to add Disqus to this site. I am rather sick of Google's captcha and I can't login to my Google account using my mobile browser.

  6. Ah, I would love to get another Common Sense chapter, thank you for your hard work.

  7. Hmmm, i think that the current way is ok, maybe it's better to not add something that can spoil everything 🤔🤔 (really don't know).
    About updates - wait for common sense so much (one love😂)

  8. Ir would be interesting, and common sense! Please :3

  9. Mmmm, I will agree with whatever makes your work easier. Dont know how it would work but i think you would need help to monitor the discussion part no?
    Common sense as priority please pretty please.

  10. I actually came here wondering what was going on with comments. I can make one here but are they not enabled on the chapters themselves?

    1. Oh, the comments are enabled, only that I try to moderate them before publishing because the site receives daily a lot of insults and very bad offensive stuff.

  11. I like disqus but because is easy work with, if you can and ddnt bother you please add it >.< and Common sense if can be priority


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